R-Leadership is shorthand for Reconnoiter (Recon) Leadership, which is not a model or theory upon which behaviors are based. Reconnoiter Leadership is a leader-lifestyle. R-Leaders (or Recon-Leaders) exude what could be called inherent superpowers — they incorporate the following attributes in every engagement with other people:
- R espectful provocation to develop future leaders within the team
- E ngages creativity to advance new ideas
- C onsistent commitment to growth of self and others
- O pen communication with all people
- N ormalizes workplace joy and fun
- N otices the niche-builders who drive innovation
- O bserves and reports across all organizational levels
- I ntuits needs for organizational advantage
- T ranslates practice to process for shared knowledge and understanding
- E nergizes teams through corporate social justice
- R egularly reviews and renews useful practices
R-Leadership practices help leaders focus on the most important organizational asset: People.
R-Leadership practices provide emerging and seasoned leaders with forward-focused skills to engage others in ways that honor individuals and encourage growth and innovation within and across teams to advance company metrics.
Look for more on each R-Leadership superpower in other What\’s New posts …